To learn more about Turning Point Recovery Resources and the services offered, visit the Web site at
With the help of the Gainesville City Council, Turning Point Recovery Resources will be able to reach out to more men who are recovering from substance abuse issues.
The council recently approved a new residential recovery house that will accommodate 48 men on Auburn Avenue.
“This is a great community project,” said Rick Hamilton, Turning Point president and co-founder. “Gainesville and Hall County should be proud to be leading the state in providing this sort of service.”
Turning Point built its first “recovery residence” in Hall County in 2005. The residential service was established as a transitional housing opportunity for those with men who are working to overcome substance abuse issues by providing a positive, structured environment.
“Many people need the sort of program we offer here at Turning Point. Our focus is on those who want it,” said Chance Castleberry, program co-founder and residential program director.
The residential homes are presented as an alternative to jail for nonviolent offenders, say program officials.
“By participating in the Turning Point program, participants are not costing the state one penny and are actually revenue positive,” said Hamilton. “They work, pay taxes, pay child support and participate in an active program of recovery.”
As a condition of living in the transitional house, residents are required to work, pay for services received in the one-year program, be compliant with counseling and submit to weekly drug screenings.
The new facility is expected to be constructed by next year. Currently the Turning Point recovery residences are only open to men; however that may soon be changing.
“We don’t like to mix men and women’s programs, but we will be opening a women’s facility in the future,” said Hamilton. “There is a tremendous need for a women’s program, but we want to be able to do it the right way, with the right location and the proper management for a women’s facility.”
In addition to the residential recovery program, Turning Point also offers various counseling and drug testing services.