Usually a snake wants to get away from a person just as much as a person wants to get away from it.Christina Owens didn’t have a chance to get away from the copperhead that bit her a couple of weeks ago. She felt the bite before she saw the snake.“I was getting in my friend’s truck, and when I went to go step in the truck I felt something bite me,” said Owens, who lives off Cleveland Highway. “And it hurt really bad, oh my God, it was like the worst pain I ever felt in my life.”Her friend moved the truck and there was the snake.Owens, whose foot was burning and swollen, rushed to the hospital where she said doctors gave her antibiotics and pain medication until they could find out what kind of snake bit her.Meanwhile, one of Owens’ cousins was holding the small snake with a broom while another cut it with a knife to kill it.
Hall woman sent to ICU by snakebite