Want to help?
To make a donation to Good News Clinics, contact Cheryl Christian at 770-297-5040 or cchristian@goodnewsclinics.org. Visit the Good News Clinics’ Web site at www.goodnewsclinics.org. The clinics, located at 810 Pine St. in Gainesville, are open 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
The Good News Clinics surpassed the goal of reaching $95,000 in 95 days, all with a little help from some friends.
"It’s a real testament to the community because many were smaller donations of $30 or $40," said executive director Cheryl Christian. "About $30 includes one visit and our lab supplies, so the donors showed they really wanted to help at least one person."
The 95-day campaign brought in 300 new donors, which is a welcome sight as more first-time patients are coming in and donations are dropping due to the economy, she said.
"Everybody seems to understand the need for health care and can identify with the idea that being sick and not being able to go to the doctor is terrifying," she said. "With a 20 percent increase in new patients and 3,000 fewer jobs in Hall County in the last six months, we’re seeing a growing number of uninsured in our community."
The funds will be used for general operating expenses at the Sam Poole Medical Clinic and the Green Warren Dental Clinic, which provide free dental and health care to poor Hall County residents who don’t have insurance. An additional fundraiser will kick off in August to battle donation gaps. The 95 in 95 Challenge was announced in March with a goal of raising $95,000 in 95 days following a $95,000 donation from an anonymous donor who challenged the community to match the gift. The donations reached more than $96,000 by July 20.
"The 95 days actually ended on June 30, however, we have continued to see donations come in," said Richard Bennett, president of the Good News Clinics’ board of directors. "Even in these uncertain times, we stand amazed at the outpouring of generosity in support of 95 in 95 campaign. ... Without your support, many would not have access to the basic health care that is essential to healthy, productive lives."