During 2007, our reporters and photographers produced great stories and pictures about the people and events of Northeast Georgia.
Sunday, The Times will reprint a few of our favorite stories in a special keepsake edition called "The Best of 2007."
Here are a few of the stories you'll find in "The Best of 2007."
- Mike Reno leaves behind 14 years in nursing home.
- At Longstreet Cafe, greeting is as important as eating.
- Tom Allanson knows struggles ex-cons face.
- Gladystine Green's 94 years span lifetime of history.
- Home of chickens, boats and really large agave.
- East Hall girls basketball is a family affair.
- West Hall players surprised by visit from teammate.
- Plus a full page of our photographers' favorite pictures of the year.
"The Best of 2007" is a print exclusive and will be found only in the print edition of The Times, available at retail outlets and vending machines throughout Northeast Georgia.
For regular home delivery of The Times, call our circulation department at 770-532-2222.