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Businesswoman wants to sell building online
Interested buyers have one week to submit bids by e-mail
Pam Abernathy is selling her business on a corner lot along Thompson Bridge Road by taking bids via e-mail.

A Gainesville businesswoman is taking a different approach in trying to sell the 3,735-square-foot building that once housed her company.

Pam Abernathy said that the need to take care of an aging mother and mother-in-law and spend more time with her grandchildren outweighs the need to continue her personnel recruiting company. Abernathy is seeking e-mailed bids on the property and has extended her previous deadline of today by one week to give prospective buyers more time to line up financing.

Abernathy, who entered the personnel business after a successful banking career, purchased a residence at 1745 Thompson Bridge Road in 2000 and had it rezoned as office-institutional. She enclosed the two-car garage and created off-street parking behind the building, which is on the corner of Mountain View Drive.

"Life leads us sometimes to participate in the lives of others, rather than just be a totally business-minded individual," Abernathy said. "This is where I need to be."

She calls her decision a life-changing one and believes her story may inspire a prospective buyer to come calling.

The structure and the one-acre lot appraised in July for $800,000. Abernathy has set the minimum bid at $650,000.

"That would give someone $150,000 in equity the moment they bought it," she said.

She is displaying her story on a large sign in front of the building. While the wording may be too much for passing drivers to see as they zoom by on Thompson Bridge Road, it has attracted the attention of potential buyers who have indicated they need more time to make financial arrangements.

"This property is just not part of current life plan!" the sign states.

Abernathy is asking for a bank letter guaranteeing the financing and a $5,000 down payment.

She said that unlike many auctioned properties, this is not a distress sale and she will look at other alternatives, including leasing the property, if a buyer cannot meet the minimum price.

The building includes four separate entrances. The central portion of the former home includes a large brick fireplace.

She said she will continue to accept e-mailed bids until 4 p.m. on Sept. 27 and will keep the building open for inspection from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily.

To contact Abernathy, call 770-539-4337 or e-mail pamabernathy