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Myers: What do you do when you have an uh-oh moment?
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From the other room, I watched Chloe standing in the middle of the living room. She raised her arms out beside her, looked down at the floor and slowly started turning in a circle. After a few turns, she became more confident and turned faster.

Faster and faster she went, a grin on her face as wide as her outstretched arms. Suddenly, she stumbled. Her smile faltered. It was replaced with an expression of shock and concern. "Uh-oh," she said as she plopped to the floor, a victim of both dizziness and gravity.

Have you ever experienced an "uh-oh" moment? Chances are you have.

You're going about your day, doing your own thing without a care in the world. Suddenly, something happens to wreck your blissful existence. Shocked by the new development you have little time to respond except to utter "uh-oh" as everything falls apart around you.

Scripture tells us about a great uh-oh moment.

In Mark chapter four, Jesus and his disciples were crossing the Sea of Galilee. All of a sudden, a fierce storm arose. Waves were breaking over the ship, filling it with water (verse 37).

If there ever was an uh-oh moment, this would be it. The beginning of the trip went smoothly. So smoothly, in fact, we're told that Jesus was asleep (verse 38).

Somewhere along the way, however, things went horribly wrong. The wind picked up. So did the waves. The disciples, who were probably enjoying the trip until that time, looked around and probably uttered a collective, "Uh-oh."

They went to Jesus and woke him. They asked him to do something about their situation. In response to their request, Jesus stood up and rebuked the wind and waves. "Peace! Be still" (verse 39, KJV)! Then the wind died down and it became perfectly calm.

While the primary purpose of this Scripture passage is to show that Jesus had authority over nature, that the wind and the waves obeyed his command (verse 41), there is a secondary application. It is that in the midst of our most tumultuous circumstances, Jesus can provide us with peace.

When we're going through an uh-oh moment, Jesus Christ has the ability to still the storm that is raging.

The disciples knew enough to go to Jesus when they were in trouble. Do we? Do we run to Jesus as a first resort? Or do we try everything within our own power first, only going to Jesus after we've exhausted our own attempts?

I think if the disciples had responded to their uh-oh moment the way we often respond to our own, their boat would have sunk. They would have been treading water instead of witnessing a miracle of God.

Which would you rather do? Witness an incredible work of God by allowing him to bring peace to you in the midst of your life's storms? Or would you rather watch your life be overturned and wrecked because you're too proud to ask your heavenly father for help?

Parrish Myers is pastor of Pine Crest Baptist Church in Gainesville. His column runs in Sunday Life every other week.