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Quit blaming Bush for all of Obamas failures
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I am responding to Adele Kushner's typically liberal, "blame Bush" letter on Thursday. While some of her "facts" are correct, some are not.

One, Bush raised the debt ceiling seven times in eight years, not eight. Two, the "Republican-dominated Congress" raised the limit five times, not eight. The other two times the limit was raised by the Democrat-controlled Congress that took over in 2006.

While I approve of none of these increases, they are what they are now. The fact is, Obama has raised the debt ceiling three times in 30 months for a total of $5.544 trillion dollars. The two largest increases in history are both Obama's: $2.4 trillion this year and $1.9 trillion in 2009. He has already increased the debt more in 30 months than Bush did in eight years.

Stop blaming Bush. It is Obama's economic policies and failures that are keeping this economy down. Getting rid of the Bush tax cuts will further stifle economic recovery as businesses keep even more of their money and hire less to pay for tax increases. Raising taxes in an already unstable economic environment is the last thing this country needs. It will definitely lead to a double-dip recession, if not a complete depression.

Stop blaming Bush. He's gone. He's been gone. Not one time did he complain or place blame for the recession he "inherited" from the great Bill Clinton. (Did you forget about that recession as you sung his praises?)

Not one time did he blame Clinton for failing to get Osama Bin Laden when he had the chance twice, thereby "inheriting" the War on Terror. He didn't blame anyone. He tackled the problems.

Were his policies always right? No way. But when he failed, he didn't blame others. In his book, "Decision Points," he places the blame squarely on his own shoulders. That is what leaders do. They take responsibility for their actions. That's something liberals, and Obama in particular, should learn to do.

Jeremy Griffey