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I, too, attended the prayers for Israel and saw the lady wearing the Tallith (prayer shawl) as a sash and was not happy at the sight.
I was not strong enough to tell her at the time that it was inappropriate, and for that I shall always have regrets. I am a Jew and I know what the Tallith is and what it represents. I believe that when you overlook a disrespect be it ever so small then the disrespects keep coming and they get larger and larger and eventually very damaging. They should be challenged at the very onset. I am sure the lady meant no disrespect and I am sure she did not know.
Maybe Melinda Gottfried used a not so appropriate analogy with the "little cups of juice" but she was right. Mr. Jones, a man-made shawl is not worshipped at all but it is a symbol of piousness and should never be worn as an adornment. Would you wear the United States flag as a garment? It never should be used as clothing, bedding or drapes. Go to the Internet and look up inappropriate flag display.
The efforts of the Christians in support of Israel was awesome and I applaud them and G-d will bless them all.
Miriam Gilberg