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I am writing in reference to Alan Shope's latest politico-religious letter, "Rich politicians, preachers spend too much while others suffer."
Based upon information contained in the article, it appears that Mr. Shope feels he has been deprived of his slice of the American pie and has developed an acute case of wealth envy to justify his bitterness.
All people experience ups and downs during their pilgrimage from the womb to the tomb. However, members of the body of Christ don't have to struggle with the mundane issues of life. On numerous occasions, we are commanded to follow the apostle Paul as he followed Christ.
Therefore, based upon Paul's instructions to the body, we are to walk by faith and having food and raiment be content. For all you people suffering from wealth envy, be ever mindful that envy is one of the seven deadly sins. As such it can cripple in spirit, soul and body.
God must surely love poor folks because he made enough of us. As such, we don't fret over losing money in the stock market or being kidnapped for ransom.
By the way, did you know that a wise man once said, "Happy is he who wants nothing for he shall surely be blessed." Haven't figured out if the blessing is happiness or nothingness.
William P. Clark
Flowery Branch