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After living in a large city for several years it was unconceivable to me to think about living in a small town. However, on Veterans Day, God gave me the answer.
There is something special about a small community that a large city does not have. Residents of a small town get to know, become friends and associate with one another.
Lula is one of these towns. I have observed our honorable mayor, Milton Turner; our hardworking and dedicated city manager, Dennis Bergin; and our city clerks, my fellow councilmen and our hardworking employees; the Historical Society and our wonderful residents all working together, rain or shine, to build the Veterans Park. Their efforts honored all veterans on Veterans Day wherever they have served on our homefront or on foreign soil.
With this kind of devotion, I am proud to proclaim that I am a citizen in a small town with a big heart on our Veterans Day observance.
Mordecai Wilson