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I just finished your article "New measure may face legal fight." In opposition to Arturo Corso, there is nothing mean-spirited about a bill that seeks to enforce the law. HB 87 does not "marginalize an entire race of people and attacks their citizen friends." What it does do is punish illegal immigrants and calls attention to those who assist the law breakers.
The legislators heard from Georgia residents on their statewide listening tours, that we wanted enforcement of our laws with no regard to a piñata, empty or otherwise.
As I continued to read, I discovered that Mike Berton, state Democratic Party chairman, believes that HB 87 and the removal of illegal immigrants will "wreck our agricultural, housing, tourism and poultry industries."
That must be some powerful group of illegal immigrants. Wonder how this state ever prospered without all the illegal immigrants?
Corso brought up an interesting point which I had never considered. If you want people to disregard news and important happenings, just print it on Friday. I didn't really understand the "age-old practice of taking out the trash on Friday," though.
We need more legislators like Matt Ramsey of Peachtree City, sponsor of the bill. Remember, when the world pushes you to your knees, you are in the perfect position to pray.
Doug Phillips