What do you think? Send us your thoughts in a letter to the editor. Click here for a form and letters policy or send to letters@gainesvilletimes.com (no attached files please). Include your full name, hometown and a contact number for confirmation.
A recent letter to the editor encouraged us to all contest our property assessment if it looked high given the current market. Here is the problem: If they reduced our assessment amount to reflect the current market, then revenues would drastically decrease.
Since the county must keep schools open and law enforcement going and so on, it would simply raise the millage rate and everyone would be in the same place.
What frustrates me is that a few will pursue the suggestion, not all. So it will result in more inequity in who is carrying the burden.
As an aside, I challenged my assessment of $141,000 on a home I bought for $90,000. They refused to change it because "it was a repo." In other words, take us to court if you want.
That of course would be a loss due to costs. Pretty hard to fight the government.
Dave Long