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This is in response to a recent article by Joan King. In it, she sounded so exasperated, feeling like she'd written everything and all she could concerning global warming and yet some of us skeptics still don't get it. She talks of a consensus of scientists who are all on board with this theory. She also stated they had come to an agreement it is caused by man-made carbon emissions.
What comes to mind is that you can have a group form a consensus about anything but it doesn't mean they are right. If you read their writings, somewhere deep in the story they say "we think" such and such might happen or such and such "could happen."
Where is all the scientific data? How many years have their studies been going on? What comparisons have been made to climate events of the past? Where is the scientific proof? It hasn't been much more than 30 years ago that these same scientists were all about global cooling. Which is it?
I believe all of this is just a means of control by world governments over their people. If the price of fuel goes up, it affects people's lifestyles. All this does is hurt the little guys, those least able to afford high gas prices, groceries and utilities. Is that what liberals in our government, who claim to be so concerned about the poor, want?
I'm sure it's what President Barack Obama wanted when he said that under his administration, utility prices are automatically going to skyrocket. All this global warming scare is doing is causing people to lose their jobs.
Imagine the boom we'd have it they'd open up drilling and natural gas exportation. People would go back to work, get off unemployment, pay taxes and spend money, and this would automatically help our economy. Look how much cheaper, faster and safer it would be to get oil from our own country rather than shipping it halfway around the world.
If there is some validity to global warming and man is to blame, what good would it do for the U.S. to ruin its economy and lifestyles? We all know China, Japan, Russia, India and the rest of the world are not going to do one thing to cut back on carbon emissions. All our efforts would be for nothing. In fact, we'd be the laughingstock of the world.
What we really need to do is trust our creator, God. He will look after us and our climate. He is the one who controls it all anyway.
As for all the supposed green jobs Obama is creating, would someone please write an article telling us what those jobs are and where you can apply for them? I plead ignorant. I don't have a clue. Maybe Joan King could tell us.
Doris Humphries