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To the gentleman who thinks Republicans and tea party members don't pay their fair share of taxes, I ask: What is my "fair share?"
I pay taxes, just like I am assuming you do. I am also assuming that you are referring to the wealthy, since it would be completely irresponsible of you to accuse all Republicans and tea party members from not paying their "fair share."
So my next question to you is: What is the wealthy's fair share? Is 50 percent not enough? Do you want 90 percent? Would you give up 90 percent of your hard-earned money?
You say you pay enough taxes. Why can't they say the same thing? Since the wealthy pay the overwhelming majority of the taxes in this country, they do pay their "fair share," sir. Your argument would be better suited to the 50 percent of this nation that pays no taxes. Try venting on them and telling them to pay their "fair share."
Last time I checked, it wasn't "fair" for one person to contribute to something while others sat on the sidelines and enjoyed the benefits of that contribution. And if you think it is, then I will quit my job and wait for you to pay a little more to support me.
Jeremy Griffey