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You want your cake and eat it, too, as my mom use to say. Brandon Givens' views on immigration reform (July 1) leave out a few key points.
Teachers enjoy job protection. The upcoming educational bubble that is going to bust due to changing demographics must be of a concern to teachers as they realize the supply side of students is shrinking. Open borders means they keep their job.
I only wish that all of our children received the extra teachers and extra funding as ESL students do, but focused on subjects like math and science. Especially the poor American kids who could use the extra teachers' time and funds.
Why are teachers not pointing out this unfairness? Is it because illegal immigrants' kids are so obedient and grateful and easy to work with? U.S. students are not so easy to educate in some cases and require extra good teachers to get results. We are draining our resources to help illegal immigrants and ignoring our own children of all races.
Is this why so many poor children want out of public schools and into charter schools where they get better attention and results, or at least a chance? It is a move blocked by teacher lobby groups at every opportunity all for the reason of keeping money, even though they are failing the kids.
It's so interesting that teachers would be upset if someone cheated on a test, yet seem to be OK for cheating and lying with our American system of immigration laws. How many teachers would lose their jobs if every illegal immigrant was removed from Hall County? Not wanting this as a outcome; it's just that teachers want their supply of students to grow to ensure their own meal ticket.
Reflect on how many of your neighbors have suffered job loss to uncontrolled illegal black market labor. Reflect on those who have brought the lawlessness that is in their own country to our country. Reflect on how you are supporting this corrupt culture here in America and all for the most selfish of reasons - your own paycheck.
Fire all government workers and hire illegal immigrants and I might change my view of no amnesty. Fix that unfairness first. No protection for government workers anymore if the private workers do not receive the same protections from our government.
Our immigration system is being played and exploited just like any system would be that we put in place. Your views on fixing our immigration system is to make it easy for those here illegally, and thus more students for you, but at the expense of your fellow Americans.
Lynn Everitt