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I recently took my granddaughter to her karate class. While waiting, I watched outside until her class was ready. I observed a gigantic SUV pull up and stop. The driver let two young boys out by themselves while he found two parking spots large enough for his vehicle.
He came in armed with his iPad that he never took his eyes off, spouted some orders rather rudely to one of the staff and had a seat. Still never taking his eyes off his "toy." I guess he figured his kids were in class.
About one hour of class went by and his two boys were doing wonderfully as he stared at his iPad and never once looked up at them. Class over, kids went to the parents for an "attaboy," and still he never looked up from his electric toy. No attaboy, either.
They went outside, the kids way ahead of him in a busy parking lot while he poked on his toy and followed. Don't you find that pathetic? Now I'm not sure this was an iPad or what it was, but I am sure that he seemed to care about his little toy more than his little boys.
So kids, say something to your folks. Folks, pay attention to every little thing your kids do. Some day they will grow up and the thrill of what they have accomplished will have faded like the battery in your electric toy.
David Missoff