Thank you, Vietnam Veterans! Tuesday is a special day of recognition for Vietnam Veterans. March 29, 1966, is the day U.S. troops were first on the ground in Vietnam. This year commemorates the 50th anniversary of that day.
Veteran’s Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald, the VA Central Office, along with nearly 9,000 organizations across the country, including the Daughters of the American Revolution, have joined with the Department of Defense as commemorative partners to honor and express “tremendous gratitude and support to this generation of Americans through ceremonies across the nation.”
The Col. William Candler Chapter DAR would like to bring awareness of this special date, March 29, so all residents of Gainesville and Hall County may express gratitude and be thinking of the Vietnam veterans whom they know.
Vietnam commemoration flags will be flown at the state Capitol, as well as in Gainesville. Veterans who come in to the Oakwood VA Clinic will be served refreshments.
Vietnam vets, we love you, and thank you for your courage, sacrifice and service.
Brenda Rakes
Chairman, Veterans Affairs, Col. William Candler Chapter DAR, Gainesville
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