Although you may have already responded to the 2010 Census, don’t be surprised if you’re asked to repeat your answers.
Before wrapping up the 10-year count, the U.S. Census Bureau goes through a quality assurance phase where a random selection of U.S. households are contacted to verify their information.
The process is to ensure that all procedures were initially followed and that no misinformation was recorded.
“We know how crucial federal funding and congressional apportionment relies heavily on our ability to produce and accurate census count,” said Robert Groves, census bureau director.
“That is why these quality assurance are critical to our country’s future.”
The results of the census will determine how around $400 billion in federal funding for things like hospitals and schools are allocated nationwide.
About 75 percent of Hall County residents and around 68 percent of Gainesville residents mailed in their census forms. In an effort for a 100 percent count, census officials hired more than 600,000 field workers to go door-to-door to collect data from missing respondents — more than 1,000 of those workers were based in the Gainesville office.
During the quality assurance phase, the census bureau may call residents to confirm information or send out a field worker to verify that the initial information was correct.
Census officials warn residents to be vigilant against scam artists. Official census workers never ask to enter a home, carry official badges and only ask questions that are on the official census form. Residents should also remember that census workers will not ask for donations, Social Security or bank account numbers.
Ultimately, the final population counts must be delivered to President Barack Obama by Dec. 31. That information will be used to determine congressional districts, among other things.