I recently pointed out how you need to keep your live Christmas tree well watered. If the tree’s water reservoir goes dry, the bottom of the tree will close up and it won’t accept any more water. If this happens, your tree will start losing its needles and will become a fire hazard. OK, let’s say that hypothetically your husband forgets to water the tree for several days and the bottom of the tree closes up. What can you do besides remove the decorated Christmas tree from the stand and re-cut the bottom of it? I’ve got a solution. Go to this Web site. They have an IV system that you can buy for your Christmas tree. It’s just like the IV system that hospitals use on their patients. You just drill a small hole in the side of the tree and hook the IV up to it. It’s only $7.99 and it’s easy to install.
Contrary to popular belief, poinsettias are not poisonous to humans. There is no record of anyone dying from eating a poinsettia. Let me also point out that they’re not edible. If you eat one leaf, you’re probably OK. If you eat more of the plant you’ll probably lose your Christmas cookies.
Before using your chain saw this winter, make sure you shake it for at least a minute. You need to do this to redistribute the oil in your gas tank.
I wrote about this tip last year, but it’s worth repeating. Instead of trying to hold a holiday party before Christmas or on New Year’s Eve, have one the week between these two holidays. I’m talking about December 26th through the 30th. This is usually a slow time for most people, which increases your odds of getting people to show up at your party!
I was in a meeting recently and noticed someone across the conference table from me pull out a moist towelette packet that they had gotten from a barbecue restaurant. They proceeded to open the packet and use the towelette to clean their cell phone. Being the wise guy that I am, I slid my cell phone across the table toward them. The person cleaned it and slid it back. I have to say that my cell phone has never looked so good. Interestingly, a lot of people carry baby wipes, (which is basically the same thing as the moist towelettes), in their cars for miscellaneous cleaning, including cell phones.
Tim Thompson lives in Gainesville. E-mail Tim your ideas for tips, tools or tricks.